You are bidding on an EXTREMELY RARE example of a 100% original WW2 German Wehrmacht / Luftwaffe Antennefuß1 Radio Antenna and Mounting Bracket! Used in conjunction with the FuG5, FuG7, Fusprecht f, and other Tank / Tank Destroyer radios, it was recovered from the Eastern Front.
The FuG 5 Radio was a high-band HF/low-band VHF transceiver. It operated in the 27,000 to 33,300 kHz (27-33.3 MHz) frequency range with a transmission power of 10 Watts. This equipment provided for 125 radio channels at 50 kHz channel spacing. It was usually used with a two-metre antenna. It was present in almost all German tanks, and was the standard kit for tank-to-tank communication within platoons and companies. The range was approx 2–3 km when using AM voice and 3–4 km when using CW. Reworked to produce the FuG 5 (Luft) variant which was used for air-to-ground communication until replaced with the FuG 7.
Mounted to the back the side of the vehicle, this Antenna and Mounting Bracket are in EXCELLENT relic condition! Though it features some obvious corrosion, it still retains some slight traces of the original paint…with NO major damage! This is the earlier LARGE antenna base, that was used up until around 1944, when they replaced this with the smaller rubber base. Fits the 1.4m or 2.0m antenna with the thicker base, as well as the large Sternantenne. Should clean-up quite well. Not sure of the exact vehicle this was mounted on, however I have shown a similar on a Panzer 4 in the last images. Would make a PERFECT addition to any collection, display, or restoration project!

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