Made of Gelatin or Nitrate, this set is in EXCELLENT used condition. Containing approx. 25 individual boxed sets, they hold the original contents sheets and slides; along with an official date stamp of 1942. There are some slight marks and wear, but almost every set is 100% COMPLETE! Various individual images and diagrams throughout, these were used for presentation purposes, and were replicated in many of the handbooks that are available (though many of these images, I have never seen before). Covering aircraft, bunker, and vehicle equipment, there are some duplicates, however the titles include:
Druckolanlage im Flugzeug Teil A, B, C
Tankgerat 125
Elektromaschinensatz III
Elektromaschinensatz 3d 220/380
Motorenwarmer “B” (Karcher)
Hydraulisches Hubgerat LWC 2000
Hochdruck Kompressoranlage 150 atu
Pumpensatz H 500
Pumpensatz SH 250
Kleiner Motorenwarmer “Zwerg”
Satz DampfrohrLeitungen
Kraftstoffgrossfilter, KGF 500
Wasseraufbereitungs – Kw1
Motoren-Anwarmer 38
As these are hard to photograph, I have only shown a few examples in the auction listing. I have not counted the exact quantity, but each box contains anywhere from 5 to 20 individual slides (so a few hundred in total).
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