Accurate intelligence and secure lines of communication are crucial elements to all armies in the field and during WWII each division in the German Army had an integral Signals unit. The Signals unit were usually of Battalion strength and generally consisted of a Headquarters Company, a Radio Company and a Telephone Company. The Signals personnel utilized a wide variety of radio receivers, field telephones and associated communications equipment in all theatres of operation. The Feldfernsprecher 33, (Field Telephone 33), was the standard issue field telephone used by the German military during WWII. The induction magneto F33 field telephone was powered by a 1.5 volt dry cell battery and could be used as a wire communication set and a remote communication set in conjunction with the Tornister Funkgerät d2, and the Tornister Funkgerät b1 and F, (Portable Radio sets models d2, b1 and F).
Made of bakelite, aluminum, and steel, this phone is in VERY NICE used condition! It features a fold back top lid with small panels riveted in place (one being a cardboard writing panel on the left and an aluminum panel with phonetic and pronunciation code on the right).
The case has a small tear drop shaped dust cover which protects two input jack plugs for use with an additional field phone or a central switchboard. Also features a metal grill with six small vertical cut-out slashes to enhance the audible ringing of the telephone.
One end of the case has an additional tear drop shaped dust cover which protects the induction magneto crank handle connection. Each end of the case also has an attachment socket for the carrying strap.
The interior of the top lid has the printed circuit schematic diagrams and a central pressure leaf spring panel to secure the telephone handset in place.
The interior bottom of the case has a bakelite and sheet metal construction battery compartment with dual brass screw connection terminals, a recessed compartment for the handset wiring, four input jacks for the handset wiring with the corresponding bakelite plug, two metal alloy screw connection terminals, a small recess for the induction magneto crank handle and a recess for the handsets mouthpiece. Crank handle is included, and there are various waffenamts throughout! Cord for the handset has been replaced post-war. Some marks, scratches, and wear, but otherwise a PERFECT item for any collection or display!