The Junkers Ju88 is a German World War II Luftwaffe twin-engined multirole combat aircraft. Junkers Aircraft and Motor Works (JFM) designed the plane in the mid-1930s as a so-called Schnellbomber (“fast bomber”) that would be too fast for fighters of its era to intercept. It suffered from technical problems during its development and early operational periods but became one of the most versatile combat aircraft of the war. Like a number of other Luftwaffe bombers, it served as a bomber, dive bomber, night fighter, torpedo bomber, reconnaissance aircraft, heavy fighter and at the end of the war, as a flying bomb.
Despite a protracted development, it became one of the Luftwaffe’s most important aircraft. The assembly line ran constantly from 1936 to 1945 and more than 15,000 Ju 88s were built in dozens of variants, more than any other twin-engine German aircraft of the period. Throughout production the basic structure of the aircraft remained unchanged.
This data tag was the MAIN data plate located on the Ju88. It indicated the aircraft type, serial number, and manufacturer.
Made of aluminum, this is a FANTASTIC piece. It features some slight scratches and bends, but it is VERY SOLID otherwise. Some slight corrosion, however all information is CLEARLY legible. Featuring a double-stamping, it is made by Junkers, with markings indicating:
Ju 88 G-6
Though I do not have any specific history, I am sure research could be made in regards to the loss. I have indicated its location in the last image. A VERY RARE item that would make a FANTASTIC addition to any collection or display!