This is an exclusive and FANTASTIC collection for the Me109 aircraft enthusiast, containing over 2000 Messerschmitt Augsburg (some Dornier) factory engineering blueprints (bauplan) and an ADDITIONAL 500+ BONUS FILES, including 400 CAD files for the Me109 E thru G (.dwg format, and can be accessed with AutoCAD or similar 2D/3D programs), factory documents & schematics, 100 Black & White and Colour Photos, and ALL 20 Me109 Manuals/Handbooks I have in the shop! Included are multiple factory blueprints detailing the fuselage (including cowlings, cockpit, and canopy); wings (structure, assemblies, ribs, flaps, ailerons); and tail (structure, rudder, elevator). ![]() 1085 Blueprints cover the Me109E (63 are Parts/Materials Lists associated with the blueprints): 119 Blueprints cover the Leitwerk (Tail Assembly) 478 Blueprints cover the Rumpfwerk (Fuselage), including 161 for the Canopy and Windscreen 326 Blueprints cover the Tragwerk (Wings) 162 Blueprints cover the Triebwerk (Cowling) for the DB601
![]() 1300 Blueprints cover the Me109F (100 are Parts/Materials Lists associated with the blueprints! 122 Blueprints cover the Leitwerk (Tail Assembly) 554 Blueprints cover the Rumpfwerk (Fuselage), including 166 for the Canopy & Windscreen! 143 Blueprints cover the Tragwerk (Wings) 123 Blueprints cover the Triebwerk (Cowling) for the DB601 Please note that some of these blueprints are duplicated from the Me109 E series, as those parts were carried over to the Me109 F.
![]() 1400 Blueprints cover the Me109G/K (140 are Parts/Materials Lists associated with the blueprints): 763 Blueprints cover the Rumpfwerk (Fuselage), including 187 for the Canopy & Windscreen AND 49 for the Erla Haube! 344 Blueprints cover the Tragwerk (Wings) 123 Blueprints cover the Triebwerk (Cowling) for the DB605 Please note that some of these blueprints are from the Me109 E & F series, as those parts were carried over to the Me109 G/K. 20 Me109 Manuals/Handbooks and 100 Black & White and Colour Photographs! Please email me if you need additional photos or information. |