In 1941, Fallschirmjäger adopted the RZ20 (Rückfallschirm, Zwangablösung or “Backpack Parachute, Static Line Deployment”) parachute, which is distinguished from its predecessors by the harness’s four quick-release ports. Each release port can be opened by two quick actions.
Due to the excellent deployability of the chute from the pack tray upon exiting the aircraft, the trooper would be under a fully inflated canopy just over 120 ft from the plane. This allowed them to jump super low (80-100 meters) and kept them out of the air for long periods of time.
The RZ-36 differed from the RZ-20, by having a delta-shaped parachute (based on the Soviet design); as well as a separate harness system. This new design offered less of a shock to the wearer upon opening, and less swinging motion during the drop and a softer landing.