You are bidding on an EXTREMELY RARE and 100% original WW2 German Luftwaffe FuG 25a “Erstling” Radio Transponder Sending unit (Se25a, Ln. 28809 ), as used in many late-war fighters, bombers, and destroyers! Usually attached inside the rear fuselage of the Me109, Fw190, Me262, He162, Me163, Do335, and others!
The FuG 25a Erstling (German: “Firstborn”, “Debut”, sometimes FuGe) was an identification friend or foe (IFF) transponder installed in Luftwaffe aircraft starting in 1941 in order to allow German Freya radar stations to identify them as friendly. The system was also used as a navigation transponder as part of the EGON night bombing system during 1943 and 1944. It was the second German IFF system to be used, replacing the FuG 25 Zwilling. Working on the same frequency as the main radios, it had limits unfortunately, and could only be used in close-vicinity.
Made of aluminum bakelite, and steel, this FuG25a radio is in FANTASTIC used condition. There are some slight marks and wear from age, but still retains 95% of it’s original paint! The data label is 100% complete, and clearly indicates, “Sende-Empf.Ger. SE 25a“. It is 100% complete, with no damage, however the plug on the front does have a piece missing from it (see photos). It should still be functional, however, I will leave that to the winning bidder to determine, as I have not been able to test it electronically. A couple of the cover retaining screws are missing, but those are easy replacements. I have shown its location in the last image. Would make a VERY RARE addition to any collection, display, or restoration project!